Sunday, December 16, 2012

Ready for your new adventure to DOTA2 World?

Yes.. I am distributing official dota2 in our country. For those who don't have and don't want to download it, the ready made pack is only 27K (30 US $).

You will be provided
- Dota2 Full downloaded files
- Dota2 invited steam account
- League of Legend Full downloaded files.

League of legend is like Dota with new heroes and new items very different from Dota.
Ah.. It's free of charge. You will be given as a gift for purchasing Dota2.
If u want to know moreover , please call to 09448545909.

If u are ordering from other cities,there will be a little steps.
1. We will send the package through a bus terminal such as Elite, JJ, Myat Mandalar Htun.
2. If u received this, transfer the cash to our ATM account.
3. If we get, we will send login password and account name through email.